I had spent a few weeks on fixing this theme, so it works better now. Please go to Fast Track page and grab a copy for yourself. Thanks

I did update the One Column Theme, after hearing feedback from people. Most of the people did not want to show monthly archives / categories on the front page. So I moved them to an archive page. This theme now comes with an archive page template, which you can use to create your archives page. […]

I fixed a minor issue with the author template in Hemingway Bright. It was not displaying the author information in some installs of wordpress. Please download the latest version from http://wpthemes.info/hemingway-bright/ to get this fix. Thanks.

One Column, is a theme that is designed for people who wants to get their content a little bit more focus. Since I moved the sidebar, to be down below the content area, it prevents the user from getting diverted to something other than the main content. One Column Try it for yourself, and I […]

Hemingway is a simple weblog theme by Kyle Neath aimed at giving bloggers a great platform on which to customize. Hemingway Bright is the same, touched up by the guy from WPThemes.Info aimed at giving bloggers a great platform on which to customize, in bright colors. Go Ahead and Download from Hemingway Bright

I did spend some time to re-write the code and do some clean ups on the NoLimits theme. Grab your latest copy at http://wpthemes.info/no-limits/